Business management strategiesLeadership and management

In any city around the world 00447455203759 Course Code: AC/2021/006

Course Description

Course Duration: Five Training Days

Course Language : Arabic or English


Scientific materials with TAB


Reception and farewell at the airport

Daily lunch

Coffee Break

This training course highlights:

• The difference between good and bad strategies

• Improving the performance of the company/section/current management when it faces a major change in working conditions

• Achieving a balance between goals and financial and non-financial goals

• Development of the company/section/current management

• All activities agree to focus on strategic goals and not distract them with less important issues.

Training course goals

Here are the main goals of this training course:

• Learn how to develop a plan to achieve the goals you want for you and your institution (the company/section/business unit/team).

• Developing strategic thinking in your organization

• Setting a strategic plan for your institution

• Defining the principles and mechanisms that lead to successful implementation

• Establish measuable action plans and lead to success.

• Understand your basic business model and its relationship to your strategy.


This interactive training course encourages strategic thinking and business planning to share candidates through a set of short lectures, large and small group discussions, practical exercises, case studies, and side sessions to practice new skills. The comprehensive cycle material has been designed to be practical and easy to use. Participants will acquire the skills and incentives they need to design, develop, and implement strong but simple strategies.

Target groups

This training course provides strategic and business planning with a vital cognitive basis to prepare for more responsibility and move into roles at a higher level. Where are the managers who are about to assume a strategic responsibility? Those who have done this recently and other senior managers who want to update their acquaintances, including:

• Businessmen

• Team leaders

• Operations leaders

• Job managers

• Project managers

• Senior, newly appointed managers

Program content:

First day

• Thinking and strategic planning

• The essence of strategy-basic concept and the definition of terms

• The difference between a good strategy and a bad one

• How do we think of strategically-practical techniques?

• Leadership and management; comparison of strategy and operations

• Strategic and operational goals, significance and teams

• Using a strategic management system

the second day

• Strategy Development-Business Analysis Force

• Understanding the importance and value of a "business model"

• Vision, values, mission, and goals—strategy as a perspective

• Examples of cases and guidelines: the phrases of vision and mission.

• Analysis of your business environment

• How to evaluate the competencies and capabilities of your organization

• A resource-based approach to strategy

the third day

• Development, selection, and translation of strategies

• Companies, businesses, and functional levels of strategy

• Competitive strategy—strategic as a position

• Emerging strategies—strategic as ifs

• Understanding and scenarios: strategy as planned

• "Strategic choice": how to choose the best strategy

• Translate strategy against strategy maps and balanced scorecards

the fourth day

• Merging the strategy into the organization

• Communication strategy and the management of stakeholders

• How to manage strategic risks

• Operations compatible with the strategy

• "Strategic performance measurement"

• Implementation Department: Effective implementation of the strategy

• The integration of strategic and operational management operations

The fifth day

• The tenor

• Good strategy: examples of cases

• Building a strategy and business planning team

• Analysis of business models and strategies in the industry.

• Understanding and overcoming psychological prejudice

• Overview of the entire course

• Practical plans and the following steps.