Change ManagementLeadership and management

In any city around the world 00447455203759 Course Code: AC/2021/011

Course Description

Course Duration: Five Training Days

Course Language : Arabic or English


Scientific material with TAB


Reception and farewell at the airport

Daily lunch

Coffee Break

Program Goals:

• Expecting change and dealing with it effectively

• Linking the leadership and change with the available forms and taking advantage of this relationship for the appropriate planning for the upcoming changes.

• Interacting with resistance to change and finding ways to reduce or get rid of such concerns in order to achieve the desired goals

• Planning and implementing the communication process related to change in a way that helps to succeed.

• Dealing with restrictions imposed by existing cultures and helping to find ways to reduce them effectively or overcome them in a professional way.

Program content:

First day:

Understanding, planning and managing change :

• change definition and change management

• The definition of institutional change

• The nature of institutional change

• Reasons and challenges

Classification of institutional change:

• Adaptive

• Innovation

• The root

Diagnosis of Change:

• Change equation

• The importance of organizational frameworks for change

• Continue change.

Change and transformation agents :

• Types of change agents

• The competencies of the agents of change

Management of change and analysis of stakeholders

the second day:

Models and strategies for managing and leading change.

• Leadership and institutional change

• Administrative adaptation to cases of change

• Evaluating the need for change

• Preparation and planning for change

• The eight steps of the Cotter model

the third day:

Understanding and dealing with resistance to change :

• Individuals and institutional change

• Why do individuals resist change?

• Forms of resistance to change and ways to deal with them

• Individual factors against collective factors.

• The stages of individuals adapting to institutional change

• Sarah Model

• Managing the transitional phase of change

• Managing the resistance to change and associated feelings

• Risk management associated with institutional change

• Determining, evaluating, and managing risk

• A schedule of risk and its impact

the fourth day:

Communication Plan on Change :

• The importance of developing a communication plan on change

• What do individuals want to hear and what do they need to see?

• components of the effective plan to announce and communicate change.

• What is permissible and not permissible when communicating about change?

The fifth day:

Key Factors for Institutional Change :

• Understanding change from the perspective of the foundation's culture

• Components of the culture of the institution or company

• forms of cultural change in institutions and companies

• Common mistakes in dealing with changing the current culture

• Twenty steps to support change in the culture of institutions.