Modern methods of hospital management :Leadership and management

In any city around the world 00447455203759 Course Code: AC/2023/102

Course Description

Duration: 10 days
Venue: London - UK
Includes: Transportation to and from the airport.
An elite group of specialists in hospital management.
Discussing the British experience in hospital management.
Scientific subject workshops.
Training and workshops.
Providing free consultations.
Lunch during training days.
Certificate from Cambridge Academy in London.


 The importance of the course:

 Hospitals are considered the medium of the contract and the center of the department in providing health and medical services as they are the haven of patients who seek wellness and healthy people who seek prevention.

The pressures have increased unprecedentedly on all health service institutions at a time when chronic and epidemic diseases, which have helped the growing movement of people and their rapid transmission from one place to another in their spread and the breadth of their scope, compounding the already increasing pressure on medical institutions.

Hospitals had the lion's share of these pressures. Recent years have seen a steady increase and a growing turnout in the number of hospital attendants.

 This increase has been characterized by characteristics that were not previously available, namely:

 • Demanding the quality of health services in general and clinical services in particular to be at the level of global health services.

• Demand the deployment of medical services and their geographical distribution to be close to the places of residence and workplaces of citizens.

• The ability to respond quickly to citizens' requests and needs

• The steady increase in the awareness of citizens, the level of their demands and expectations, and their ability to exercise pressure to obtain their rights requires those in charge of the hospital administration to make an effort double in developing performance methods and in increasing efficiency and quality and working to reach the stage of continuous improvement, without which the hospital does not possess customer satisfaction With him, studies that were presented at the Fourth Conference (December 2005) have proven that this end will only be provided with the availability of basic requirements and requirements that will be taken with analysis and discussion on how to reach through axes.

 The goals of the course:

• knowledge of the concept and requirements of excellence in performance in hospital management.

• Determine the basic components of the hospital and how they contribute to developing and showing performance.

• The role of the senior management team in moving, mobilizing, and activating other resources

• Discussing the role of building local and international relations and investing in them to increase the effectiveness of the hospital

• Apply modern methods and models in hospital management and the use of quantitative standards in measuring and evaluating individual and institutional performance in hospitals.

• Knowledge of the use of information and communications technology and its role in developing the service provided

• Identify modern methods in the coordination and integration of auxiliary services in hospitals.

• Learn about the role of supervisory, professional, and popular regulatory institutions in developing health services.

• Show successful experience in hospital management and the ability to face challenges and invest in opportunities.

 Course Topics :

The first axis (trends and modern methods in hospital administration)

• The typical administrative organization of the hospital administration

• Integration and coordination between categories and specialties in the hospital.

• The optimal exploitation of human and material hospital resources

• Managing and developing performance in light of the limited resources

• The role of public relations and the media in improving the mental image of the hospital in order to expand and spread.

The second axis (the infrastructure of the hospital is important and the role buildings and facilities.

• Equipment, devices, and technologies.

• Risk management, security, and safety procedures

• Networking.

• Customer service in health centers

The third axis (management team)

• qualifications and experience.

• Driving and motivation methods.

• The administrative structure of health institutions

• Creativity and renewal in solving problems (mentioning models) building a culture of quality and customer orientation.

• A limited number of distinguished experiences will be shown in fact, which meet the following conditions:

• The experience is unique.

• That you have invented a new style or developed methods and methods that have already been used.

• That you obtained favorable results and distinguished the party to which you applied from other similar facilities.

 To be applicable in other settings directed to:

• Leaders of health and medical agencies in the central and local Arab ministries and institutions.

• members of the teaching bodies in the colleges of medicine, nursing, health and medical institutes.

• Administrative and medical leaders of therapeutic institutions, hospitals, health and medical centers in the Arab government, private and investment.

• experts and specialists in managing and developing the health sector in the Arab world.

• health insurance bodies, institutions, and companies.

• Social Security institutions, Arab pension funds, and retirement.

• leaders of business sector institutions.