Modern technical techniques for disclosing financial irregularities and fraudFinance and Accounting

In any city around the world 00447455203759 Course Code: AC/2021/044

Course Description

Course Duration: Five Training Days

Course Language : Arabic or English


- Scientific material with TAB

- Workshops

- Reception and farewell at the airport

- Daily lunch

- Coffee Break

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- Introduce participants to various forms of financial embezzlement and accounting deception

- Review the different approaches to dealing with the problems of fraud and financial corruption.

- Enable participants to diagnose and predict the risks of financial fraud through a number of practical issues and practices.

- Give participants the ability to identify financial irregularities and their types, as well as how to use specific methods and procedures to detect various types of violations.

- This course provides participants with the skills to develop policies and procedures used to reduce the risks of financial fraud and the role of oversight in overcoming them.

- Enable participants at the end of the programme to be able to apply the principles of financial auditing and control of corruption and financial fraud in practice.

Training Outputs:

- Trainees can, in light of the scientific and professional requirements available to them, reduce and detect cases of fraud and error.

- Presenting real-life experiences of cases of fraud and error and informing trainees of the actions taken to reduce those cases

- Check the effectiveness of an internal control and control system to reduce cases of fraud and embezzlement.

Main contents:

Unit1: The Nature of Follow-up, Audit, and Review

- Follow-up concept

- Follow-up methods

- Overall follow-up method

- Follow-up by exception method

- Follow-up method with results

- Conditions for the success of follow-up methods

- Audit for the purpose of detecting and determining the extent of financial manipulation and fraud.

 Unite 2: The Concept and Areas of Violations and Financial Fraud.

- The concept of irregularities

- The concept of financial fraud

- Areas of irregularities and financial fraud

- Cash sales and services

- Collections from clients

- Collusion with suppliers

- Manipulation of wages

- Detect forgery in documents.

Unite 3: Objectives and Purposes of Detecting Irregularities and Financial Fraud.

- Ensure the continuity and development of the institution

- Protection of the assets and property of the enterprise

- Faithful professional disclosure of the items of the financial statements

- Determination of liability for violations and financial fraud

Unit 4:The Role of Auditing and Auditing in Detecting Fraud and Irregularities

- Evaluation of internal control systems

- Systematic analytical examination of operations and detection of irregularities

Unite 5: Accounting Errors and How to Detect and Remedy Them and Their Relationship to Irregularities and Financial Fraud

- Registration errors in the registration document

- Errors of omissions, omissions and compensated errors

• Clerical and numerical errors

Module Six: General Framework for Internal Control to Prevent Violations and Financial Fraud.

- Objectives and procedures of internal control to prevent the occurrence of violations and financial fraud.

- evidence as a tool to detect irregularities and financial fraud.

- Methods of obtaining evidence of proof

- Study the adequacy and appropriateness of evidence to detect irregularities and financial fraud.

Unite 7: Study and evaluation of the accounting system and internal control associated with the purposes of detecting and preventing irregularities and financial fraud.

- Accounting systems and internal control

- Objectives of internal control and its role in preventing violations and financial fraud.

- Study the International Auditing Standard in Fraud and Error and its relationship to irregularities and financial fraud.

- The relationship between fraud, error, irregularities and financial fraud

- responsibility for detecting irregularities and financial fraud.

- Procedures to be followed in the case of an indicator of financial fraud violations

- Analytical examination procedures and importance in detecting irregularities and financial fraud

Unit 8 : Financial Analysis as a Tool for Detecting Financial Irregularities and Fraud

- Financial analysis of trends and its importance in detecting irregularities and financial fraud. 

- financial and operational indicators as a tool to detect irregularities and financial fraud.