Course Description
Course Duration: Five Training Days
Course Language : Arabic or English
Scientific material with TAB
Reception and farewell at the airport
Daily lunch
Coffee Break
To register, please contact us by email.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, the participant will be able to :
• Describe the practical approach to behavioral research.
• Identify the role of the Organizational Behavior Science Approach in conducting personal interviews.
• Identify the main benefits of the Organizational Behavior Science Approach.
• Identify why the interview is an important skill for managers and supervisors.
• Define targeted and open interviews and describe the administration's use of each of them.
• Determine why an open interview is useful in selection, termination, investigation interviews, and information gathering.
• Identify general principles for performance appraisal interviews and apply them in practice.
• Determine and implement effective reciprocal requirements.
• Identify and overcome obstacles to interview success.
Main Contents:
Module one:A Scientific Approach to Organizational Behavior Research in the Context of Human Resource Management
• The main benefits of the introduction to the science of organizational behavior
• Determine the role of the Organizational Behavior Science Portal in conducting personal interviews.
• Verbal behavior and actual behavior
• Elements of human behavior
• Factors to avoid when managing human resources
Module Two: Modern Trends in Polarization
• Positive polarization and negative polarization
• Distinctive methods of polarization process
• Steps to attract human resources
• Internal and external sources of polarization
• Polarization methods
• polarization merits
Module Three: Modern Trends in Recruitment, Selection.
• Recruitment merits
• Recruitment branding
• Scientific steps for selection and recruitment
• Conduct scientific tests.
• IQ tests
• The relationship between human resource planning and job analysis and between selection and recruitment
• Competencies for job performance evaluation
Module Four: Scientific Standards in Personal Interviews for Recruitment and Appointment
• Scientific steps in personal interviews
• Interview errors
• Define and describe the use of targeted and open interviews.
• General principles of interviewing
• Obstacles to the success of interviews and overcoming them
Module Five: Specifications of Good Questions Posed in Employment Interviews
• Interview success factors
• What aspects should the interview committee ascertain during the interview
• Information that decision makers are looking for in the interview
• listening skills
• Formal and informal interviews
• Individual and group interviews
• Interview success factors