Year-End General Ledger Closing ProceduresFinance and Accounting

In any city around the world 00447455203759 Course Code: Fa24/06

Course Description

Course Duration: Five Training Days

Course Language: Arabic or English


Scientific material with TAB


Reception and farewell at the airport

Daily lunch

Coffee Break


This course explores the accounting cycle and the processes required to enter financial data into the system. It covers how to set up general ledger accounts, enter general ledger transactions, and post the transactions. This course also shows how to perform additional functions such as account reconciliation, budgeting, allocation, period-end procedures and year-end closing procedures.

Targeted Groups:





Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

Customize General Ledger settings.

Set up a chart of accounts including posting, unit, and allocation accounts.

Enter and post transactions using transactional or batch posting methods.

Perform key inquiries and print reports in General Ledger.

Maintain records in General Ledger.

Print financial statements and other key reports to manage a business.

Complete period and year-end procedures.

Targeted Competencies:

Overview and Setup.

Daily Procedures.

Additional Functionality.

Maintaining Records.

Period-End Closing.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Overview and Setup:

Features and Benefits

General Ledger Setup

Account Categories

Posting Account Setup

Unit Account Setup

Fixed Allocation Account Setup

Variable Allocation Account Setup

Account Segment Setup

Mass Modify Chart of Accounts

Define the Retained Earnings Account

Set Up Budgets

Budget Maintenance

Combining Budgets

Quick Journal Setup

Transaction Matching Setup

Entering Beginning Balances

Unit 2: Daily Procedures:

Batch Entry

Transaction Entry

Calculate Taxes in General Ledger

Clearing Transaction Entry

Budget Transaction Entry

Quick Journal Entry

Linking Transactions

Batch Recovery

Unit 3: Additional Functionality:

Multidimensional Analysis Groups and Codes

Assign Analysis Groups to Accounts

Multidimensional Analysis Transactions

Define Intercompany Relationships

Entering Intercompany Transactions

Organizational Structures Setup

Define Organizational Relationships

Assign User Classes to the Organizational Structure

Assign Users to the Organizational Structure

Assign a Range of Accounts to the Organizational Structure

Assign an Individual Account to the Organizational Structure

Activating Account Security

Unit 4: Maintaining Records:

Correcting a Posted Transaction

Change, Inactivate, and Delete Account Records


Reconcile to GL

Remove History

Archive Matched Transactions

Account Rollups

Using Inquiries

Report Options and Printing

Report Groups

Report List

Unit 5: Period-End Closing:

Period-End Closing

Year-End Closing

Quick Financial Statements

Printing Financial Statements

Advanced Financial Analysis